Bologna Food Tours—Italian Culture—The Renaissance and Great Italian Cuisine

 What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when you think about Italy? Maybe you remember the first time you visited Rome, or perhaps you’re reminded of the lessons you’ve heard in history class. The answer is different for everyone. But, if there’s one thing the rest of the world can agree on, it’s that Italy has one of the best cuisinesever. And if you want to experience Italian food up close, there’s no better trip to go on than a Bologna food tour.

Four great reasons to go on a Bologna food tour

·         Food and wine

Of course, the number one reason people visit Bologna is because of the food. As the gastronomic capital of Italy, this charming city has no lack of dishes to choose from, regardless of your preferences. Bologna’s food can range from quintessentially Italian, inspired by age-old farming traditions, to pleasantly modern.

That’s not the end of the story, though. Besides food, Bologna is also a top wine destination. Italy itself is a superpower in terms of wine production, and it’s all thanks to the country’s famous winemaking regions. Emilia-Romagna, home of Bologna, is the fourth-largest wine-producing region in Italy, growing grapes in the lush flatlands of Modena and Parma.

·         Architecture

Need to walk off all the food you ate? Thankfully, you won’t run out of places to explore in Bologna. The city’s architecture is a marvel waiting to unfold, with historical sites, such as the Chiesa della Santa, a Roman Catholic church decorated with frescoes and flowers. It also houses the mummified remains of Saint Catherine of Bologna, which is sure to satisfy your craving for mystery and adventure.

And don’t forget to stop by the Two Towers and the Porticoes of Bologna. If the Leaning Tower of Pisa was a sight for sore eyes, these towers would definitely make your jaw drop. The two towers, Garisenda and Asinelli, will give you amazing views of the city set against a mountain backdrop.

·         Art

What’s a trip to Italy without checking out the art? Florence may be the birthplace of the Renaissance, but Bologna is not a destination you should overlook. The city is home to marvelous pieces from various art periods, including the Municipal Art Collections from the 14th to 19th centuries and the Galleria D’Arte Maggiore’s contemporary displays.

·         Peace and quiet

Despite being one of Italy’s most recognizable destinations, Bologna is not as crowded as you may have guessed. Most tourists flock to cities like Florence, Rome, or Venice, which means you’ll have a much more peaceful time during your tour.

A trip to Bologna is not only for food lovers and art enthusiasts but also for anyone who wants to experience the true beauty of Italy.


Top dishes to try on your Bologna food tour

All that talk about food and wine must have made you hungry, but don’t worry. Bologna has everything you could ever ask for. And to avoid getting overwhelmed with all the selections and unfamiliar names, here’s a definitive list of must-try food on your trip to the northern Italian city:

·         Gramigna

Forget about lasagna Bolognese or spaghetti Bolognese during your vacation. If you truly want to experience something uniquely Bolognese, try the gramigna. This squiggly, tubular pasta takes its name from Bermuda grass, traditionally made by rubbing durum wheat dough, type 00 flour, and eggs over a grater.

Does this pasta sound unfamiliar to you? That’s not surprising—gramigna is almost impossible to find outside Italy. So, now is your chance to try it, made by expert Italian chefs with local ingredients.

·         Mortadella

Have you ever had a sandwich with baloney? In Bologna, this cold cut of meat is known as mortadella, a treat you shouldn’t forget to try. Bolognese mortadella is made with peppery pork sausages and hand-cut cubes of lard, giving a savory, aromatic feel.

Mortadella tastes best in a panini or is eaten with a selection of other cold cuts.

·         Zuppa Imperiale

Soup certainly isn’t what most people visit Bologna for, but you’d be surprised at how well the Bolognese treat their soup. Zuppa Imperialehas roots in the Austrian krinofel soup, introduced to Italy by the wife of Napoleon I.

This simple dish is the perfect appetizer, made with hearty meat stock and topped with bread. The fluffy loaf enhances the taste of Zuppa Imperiale, created with a combination of flour, eggs, butter, nutmeg, and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.

·         Crescentine

If you’re a big fan of bread, the Italians are even bigger ones. The Crescentine is just one product out of their love for bread, prepared through baking or frying. This Bolognese treat is topped with various ingredients, such as pesto Modenese, cold cuts, cheese, and chocolate cream.

·         Torta Tenerina

Eating your heart out during your stay in Bologna can be tempting, but don’t forget to leave some room for dessert. One sweet treat you shouldn’t miss out on it’s the Torta Tenerina, a fondant cake loved by locals for its gooey, chocolatey center. This dessert is incredibly tender, melting in your mouth as it tickles your tongue with powdered sugar.

·         Mostarda

Do you want to try something more exciting? Then, make sure to have some mostarda with your pastries. This northern Italian condiment is made with candied fruits and just a little dash of mustard oil.

·         Rosso Bologna

Feeling a little thirsty? Emilia-Romagna will never disappoint in terms of wine, and the Rosso Bologna is a Bolognese specialty. Made with 50% Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, this ruby red wine has an intense yet pleasant flavor, perfect for capping off a satisfying meal.


Are you ready to fill your tummy and experience Italian food the way it was meant to be? Plan your Bologna food tour now and start checking dishes off your list! You can book a culinary tour with a certified travel operator, ensuring that your trip goes as smoothly as possible.

Leading Italian tour providers can also provide luxury services for reasonable rates, including private transportation, professional art and history guides, and 24/7 customer assistance.


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